2019 Community Grants...
The Committee and Trustees are proud to announce the 2019 Community Grant Awards were presented to:
1st Thaxted Brownies
Thaxted Bowls Club
1st Thaxted - Carver Scouts
Thaxted Christmas Tree
Thaxted Cricket Club
Thaxted Disabled Centre
Thaxted Festival Foundation
Thaxted Lecture Society
Thaxted Rangers FC
Thaxted Society
Wild Thaxted
Windmill Preschool
We were thrilled earlier this month to present 12 LOCAL groups and organisations with grant awards totaling £3000.
Centre for the Disabled applied for a grant to help fund the purchase of a defibrillator unit for the centre. Sara Andres came to collect their cheque for £150. Thaxted Lecture Society applied for a grant to purchase a lapel microphone to go with the projector last year's grant allowed them to purchase. They are very happy for this equipment to be lent out to any local organisation or group. Michael Robinson came to collect their cheque for £110. Thaxted Festival Foundation applied for a grant to help with a project to offer interactive musical classes/performances in local schools. Peter Donovan came to collect their cheque for £340.
Thaxted Bowls Club applied for a grant to help them update the current inadequate ladies changing facilitates at the club. Ian Roberts came to collect their cheque for £340. Thaxted Rangers FC applied for a grant to help groundwork to the current unkempt area of the recreational ground so more youth training facilities can be offered. Martin Tritton came to collect their cheque for £340. Thaxted Cricket Club applied for a grant to help maintain and improve the ground on Bardield End Green. This will enable the club to encourage more youth matches and players to the grounds. Patrick Barker came to collect their cheque for £340.
Windmill Preschool applied for a grant to help facilitate regular interactive music classes at the school. Verity Last came to collect their cheque for £340. The 1st Thaxted & Carver Scouts applied for a grant to help support the purchase of much needed camping equipment for the local boys to enjoy the experience of outdoor living. Mick Mullis and James Ratcliffe came to collect their cheque for £250. The Thaxted Society applied for a grant to help support the production and distribution of the second edition of the Thaxted History Project. Maggie Catterall came to collect their cheque for £150.
The Thaxted Christmas Tree Committee applied for a grant to help with putting on the ever popular Christmas Tree and Carol singing event(s) around the tree under the Guildhall. Some of the money will help go towards mulled wine and mince pies served for free at this event. Bob Caton came to collect their cheque for £200. Wild Thaxted applied for a grant again this year after our 2018 grant allowed them to purchase swift bird boxes. This year they are planning to produce a booklet to enable people to identify species of wildlife in and around the local area. Will Cockerell came to collect their cheque for £100. 1st Thaxted Brownies applied for a grant to enable them to subsidize trips already planned for 2019. This helps support local families and girls to be included in their activities. Leanne Kell and Claire Dickinson came to collect their cheque for £340.
We look forward to seeing this project come to life and hearing all about it later in the year and thank you for your support at our events that enable this process to happen ever year